SEO Update Blog

SEO Update Blog – Our Plans For The Future

We have been running V2.0 of our new SEO packages for a while now and we want to make them even better, In this blog, we will dive into what will be getting looked at in version 3.0 of our SEO packages. So we can improve the services and make it more valuable and easier for you to understand.

Our SEO Survey:

Over the course of the next month we will be creating new processes and upgrading our SEO packages to ensure that you get the most amount of value from the services. Where not only thinking of ways that we can communicate our plans better but also how to get more information into a more presentable format to make it easier for you all to see and understand the progress that we’re making.

SEO Portfolio Scheme:

For those looking to increase their backlink profile and increase their domain authority this is the upgrade for you. We will first ask for your permission to post your results on our site along side this there will be a bit about your company and your goal with the SEO introducing your brand to our audience, there will also be an option for you to give a few words about your experience with us and a link will be given to your site through ours. Included in this we will also do a social media post on most platforms (Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn) and tag your social media account in it to further increase your brand awareness.

SEO Video Report Upgrades:

We understand that our video reports can be helpful, however, we want to make them more useful, educational and professional for you all. There are many things that we’re thinking about including:

  • Domain Authority Reports
  • An Improved Future Plans Section
  • Higher Quality Videos

PDF Report Upgrade:

We understand that attaching three different documents to your emails can be annoying so we are working on compressing all the information into one PDF document that allows you to go straight to the section you want. This is to help you understand what we do each month, what we plan to do next month, and where your site stands currently.

We hope this blog helps you understand what we plan to do in the current months, feel free to answer the survey. Over the course of the next month we plan to create and starting putting everything in place to improve the service your get from our SEO Services.


Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Stay Super!

Mikey Ryu

Marketing Director

Adam Reeves

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